The mother, father and extended family of pyrrhic City victories


Congratulations to Pep Guardiola, who has made the shortlist for April’s Premier League manager of the month award! The other names in the running are Brentford’s Thomas Frank, Burnley interim Mike Jackson and Jürgen Klopp of Big Cup finalists Liverp … oh Pep. Oh City. How on earth has it come to this? Overturning that two-year European ban will feel like the mother, father and extended family of pyrrhic victories right now.

Ah well, at least the experience will stand City in good stead going forward. Right? Eh? And what an experience it was. City, who could easily have been 4-0 up after 20 minutes of the first leg, could easily have been 4-0 up on Wednesday night after Riyad Mah…